Deputy Premier Dreams Of Equipping Regional NSW

The Hon Paul Toole MP paints a picture of communities well equipped and serviced to keep people in our regions.
Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional NSW and Minister for Police, the Hon Paul Toole, MP saw those of us living in the regions should be given the same level of opportunity we see our city cousins enjoy.
“In the past, kids have had to leave the regions to get a good high-paying job,” Mr Toole said.
“If my kids have an accident I want to know that they can get the basic level of care at the hospital closest to them.
“I don’t want them having to go to another town 50km, 100kms down the road just to get basic care.
“My parents still live in the town.
“They’re getting older and I want them to be able to stay in their homes and be able to stay at home and also get that level of care that’s required as well.
“Same as education - I want educational opportunities for them to be given locally as well and also to be able to afford a home.
“At the end of the day, I want them to be able to grow up and to be able to ensure they’re going to be able to get a roof over their head.
“We know there are challenges around housing.
“We know there are challenges around labour, skills shortages.
“We shouldn’t be limited just because of geography or because of where we live.”
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