Get Your Creative Groove On

Written by: The Hawkesbury Phoenix


Test the health benefits of being creative for yourself at the free art workshops at Wilberforce every second Wednesday.

We’ve all felt the pressure over the past couple of years and Hawkesbury residents have had to prove time and again just how resilient they are, but it can take a toll.

A number of craft groups have sprung up around the Hawkesbury region recently, the latest of which is the Wilberforce Community Hub Art with Heart group.

Last week they created some fantastic beaded jewellery with a helping hand from the team at Hawkesbury Remakery.

The group will be making some Mosaic Bee Baths on Wednesday, August 31 and has invited anyone interested in a fun, and free, art class to come along.

They meet every second week at the Wilberforce School of Arts on Wilberforce Road, Wilberforce from 1 pm to 2:30 pm.

The truth is that being creative has benefits that most people never think about.

For a start, creativity in any form can lift your mood.

Just think about the last time you sang while driving, wrote a story, drew a picture, made a cake - how did it make you feel?

Generally, when you finish creating, your brain fills with dopamine, a neurotransmitter or an all-natural anti-depressant.

You feel good.

Creativity also boosts self-esteem, alleviates anxiety and stress, and improves one’s social life.

It also improves cognitive function, espcially musical creativity.

In fact, studies have shown that music is a unique activity because it stimulates both sides of the brain - the analytical left side and the subjective right side.

Bowen Mt group, meeting at Einskillen Orchard on Mondays from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm and Saturdays from 2 pm to 4 pm, is another Hawkesbury craft group.

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