Hawkesbury Council Trials Being A Trap Drop Spot For Illegal Yabby Traps

Hawkesbury City Council will trial being a drop-off point for old and unwanted Opera House yabby traps during March.
During March, residents of Hawkesbury are urged to drop off old and unwanted Opera House yabby traps at the Customer Experience counter at Council’s Administration Building, 366 George Street in Windsor.
As a thank you, anyone dropping off the illegal traps will be given a new Australian-made Oar-Gee lure.
The Opera House yabby traps were made illegal when they were implicated in the drowning of air-breathing fauna such as platypus, turtles, and water rats.
As part of the program, the illegal traps will be recycled into useful products for fishers, with proceeds funding habitat restoration.
The Yabby Trap Round-Up program was launched in mid-2023, and while it is only for a limited time OzFish will continue to collect nets as part of its Tackle Loop program.
This program is an initiative of OceanEarth Foundation, through its GhostNets program in collaboration with OzFish Unlimited.
It is also supported by BCF - Boating, Camping, Fishing.
After March 2024, call Council on 4560 4444 before dropping off any traps.
Visit https://ozfish.org.au/projects/tackle-loop for more information.
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