Hawkesbury Receives $11.1 M for Road Repairs

Hawkesbury Shire will receive $11.1 million in funding for urgent local road repairs.
Hawkesbury’s roads, like those across the State, have been damaged by unprecedented rainfall.
The Shire will receive $11.1 million in funding for immediate repairs.
Member for Hawkesbury, Robyn Preston has spent time down in the muck helping fellow residents to bring their community back to health.
“I know how tough it has been for flood-impacted communities and this funding will go a long way in delivering immediate benefits to local motorists, tourists and the freight industry with safer and more reliable journeys,” Ms Preston said.
The new funding is in addition to the $25 million made available last year and the $1.5 billion spent annually on road maintenance across the State.
The 11.1 million for Hawkesbury is one piece of a $220 million pie to feed 35 metropolitan councils.
Minister for Metropolitan Roads, Natalie Ward said they had heard the cries from communities to help deal with the backlog of road damage caused by repeated weather events over the last year.
“Through this funding, councils can act now on urgent road and pothole repairs, as well as project against reoccurring challenges through the use of technology such as cold mix,” Ms Ward said.
“These works are in addition to the work our crews carry out on state roads.”
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