RSL LifeCare Rowland Village Resident Bill Pierce Celebrates 103rd Birthday

Bill Pierce celebrates his 103rd birthday with family and friends at the Galston Club on June 23.
With 11 members of his extended family for lunch at the Galston Club, celebrations were very festive for RSL LifeCare Rowland Village resident Bill Pierce’s 103rd birthday.
Bill attended various schools, including Sydney Grammar.
At 17 he began working for the Sydney Commonwealth Bank following in his father’s footsteps.
In 1938, Bill joined the Infantry Scottish Battalion based in Willoughby.
When war broke out in 1939, he was called up and joined the Air Force at the tender age of 18.
Bill trained in various places with Tiger Moths (single engine planes) and Ansons (twin engine planes).
He became proficient as a wireless operator and was promoted to Sergeant.
He sailed to England and was assigned to the Permanent English Airforce Bomber Command, 7th Squadron and flew raids over Germany in Lancaster Bombers.
Bill returned home in 1945 where he went back to work at the Commonwealth Bank and met his wife, Elaine.
They married in 1955 and had two daughters, Jennie and Sue.
Bill worked as a bank manager until retiring at age 60 in 1981.
In 1992, 32 years ago, Bill and Elaine moved into the RSL LifeCare Rowland Village.
All the residents were ex-service personnel and their spouses.
Bill has reminisced about the wonderful spirit of camaraderie and the welcome help given to each new resident.
Elaine, a gardener, and others have added to the wonderful natural beauty of the village.
Bill enjoyed playing golf on the 3-hole golf course (now 9 holes) and playing billiards with his old friend and fellow World War II veteran, the late Alan Buxton.
He often mentions a couple who were knowledgeable about birds and did a bird count which in earlier times numbered up to 70 species.
Bill and others in the Village regret the significant reduction in bird numbers and species.
A long time of Kookaburras greeting the morning and evening from their gumtree limb or rearing young in a nearby nesting hollow was a joy to Bill and others.
Celebrating a 103rd birthday is quite an achievement and Bill’s longevity is credited to his constitution, spirit and in no small part the loving care of his two daughters who, on the death of their mother 17 years ago, have brought cooked meals that simply needed reheating.
Bill’s friend and fellow resident of Rowland Village, Ann Lomas thanked Bill for being such a fine neighbour, friend, resident, veteran and example of strength and perseverance.
“We thank you for your care, courtesy, humour and honesty,” Ann said.
“We salut you, Bill and your 103 years.”
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