South Windsor Celebrates Town Centre Liveability Project

The South Windsor Town Centre Liveability Project will be officially opened on Saturday, August 26.
The South Windsor community will come together on Saturday, August 26 to celebrate the South Windsor Town Centre Liveability Project.
Upgrades included in the project were:
- The planting of 40 advanced trees in Mullinger Lane;
- The planting of 59 advanced trees on George Street between Campbell Street and Beerewan Park;
- New feature paving and street furniture;
- Upgraded parking in Mullinger Lane;
- New refuge islands at Campbell Street and Bell Street; and
- An upgrade to the pedestrian crossing near Newton Arcade, with new surfacing, lighting and signage.
The improvements help tackle urban heat, increases shade for pedestrians and benefits the local biodiversity.
Now, there is nothing standing in the way of an enjoyable jaunt to the town centre, so be one of the first 100 to rock up to the official celebration on Saturday, August 26 and enjoy a free coffee, free sausage sizzle, cupcakes, face painting and roving entertainment from 12:30 pm to 2 pm.
There will also be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 1 pm. This project was co-funded by Hawkesbury City Council under the Western Parkland City Liveability Program which is part of the Western Sydney City Deal (WSCD).
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